“This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union”
Please see www.eufunds.ie for further information.
Youth Diversion Projects (YDP) are community based, multi-agency projects that divert young people aged 12-17 years, from becoming involved or further involved in anti-social or criminal behaviour.
The Slaney YDP is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027
The Project works with young people in the Enniscorthy and Gorey areas, through one to one, group work and collaborative work with other FDYS Projects and other community agencies, using sport, music, art, cookery and carpentry to support young people to encourage continued education and improve employment prospects.
The Slaney Project works with parents in a supportive capacity and is also involved in outreach and detached work in the community.
Referrals are primarily from the Juvenile Liaison Officer. Additional referral sources An Gardai, schools, youth groups, parents, TUSLA, peers and self-referrals.
The Project incorporates a Restorative Practices approach and seeks to encourage and support better relationships between young people and the community where they live.
Programmes include individual youth support, family support and youth groups. It also delivers the “P.A.T.H (Pre-Adolescent Traveller Holistic) Programme, a collaboration between Slaney YDP and Traveller Inclusion Programme (T.I.P) to foster a sense of community for the young people, while giving them a safe space where they can socialise and develop on a personal level.
Looking to join our youth programs or just looking to speak to some one? Get in contact by calling us on one of these numbers Or contact us through the form.
Youth Justice Worker
087 935 1764
Youth Justice Worker
085 801 1896
083 009 0513
083 4391433
083 156 7431
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Your Local Voluntary Youth Service in County Wexford
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