Our detached Risk and Resilience Project provides a connection for young people, who, for whatever reason, are unattached to services. It is an opportunity to meet the young people where they hang out, talk with them and provide support. Our key objective is to ensure they are safe and that they know they can rely on us if they need support, advice or information on available service in their areas.
We can also offer 1:1 follow up appointments with young people we meet and who may need some extra support on a range of issues.
Meeting young people where they are at and building positive, trusting and consistent relationships is key to the work where conversation is the main intervention. Detached youth work combines elements of both detached work and outreach work, detached aims to meet young people where they are at in spaces that they hang out and youth work takes place in locations where young people are, whereas outreach involves signposting and giving information on existing services to encourage young people to avail of these services.
Looking to join our youth programs or just looking to speak to some one? Get in contact by calling us on one of these numbers Or contact us through the form.
Nadine O’Brien, Kris McGuire
Phil McGrath
Sally Murphy, Derek Gilbert
086 464 5573
086 464 5573
Your Local Voluntary Youth Service in County Wexford
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